Rich Froning, 4 times Individual Crossfit Games Champion and 5 times team CrossFit Games Champion, has been seen to be wearing a mouthpiece when lifting or doing CrossFit workouts.
This mouthpiece that looks like a football gumshield is actually an AIRWAAV Performance Mouthpiece which according to their own research gives a 20% reduction in respiratory rate resulting in less lactic acid and a 50% reduction in cortisol improving recovery time and increases muscular endurance.
The AIRWAAV Performance Mouthpiece directs your tongue down and forward and when you gently bite down, it creates the optimal airway opening.
Why wear Rich Froning's Mouthpiece?
Well simply, because it can help you perform and recover better.
Mouthpieces position your jaw and tongue in the best position to help you breathe more efficiently and increase the amount of air you receive for CrossFit and other high-intensity interval training exercises.
According to the AIRWAAV, CT scans have shown that a mouthpiece increases the breadth of your airways by 9 percent. The more air you can bring in, the more oxygen your cells receive.
Optimal breathing can help improve endurance and build a higher pain threshold while reducing levels of cortisol, which is a major stress hormone.
Mouthpieces also have been used to treat diseases such as sleep apnea and snoring problems. It's even been shown that a person's mood improved after wearing one for just three weeks. Personal trainers often recommend that their athletes use them during training sessions because they may help increase strength since it forces your muscles to work harder for longer periods of time by delivering oxygen-rich blood to them quicker.
In addition, Froning has had teammates wear mouthpieces on long workouts where breathing was restricted from gear or from being slowed down by other teammates etc.
Where to buy the AIRWAAV Mouthpiece?
The AIRWAAV Mouthpiece is available to buy from Amazon with next day delivery (depending on location) for only $39.99.
comes with Plastic Carry Case
Are their other mouthpieces available?
Yes there are a few other performance mouthpieces available , but many other companies are known to use the AIRWAV patented technology and are used by Powerlifters and CrossFitters too.
Our other recommended Mouthpiece is the New Age Performance Mouthpiece which actually comes in various styles and designs, (Spiderman, Punisher, Captain America, Deadpool) and a variety of colours too which employ similar technology to the AIRWAAV but for a cheaper price.
In a range of designs, comes with plastic carry case.
Who is Rich Froning?
Rich Froning is an American professional CrossFit athlete.
On May 15, 2013, he became the first person to win the "Triple Crown" of competitive fitness, winning his third title at the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games.
He also has a back-to-back championship wins in 2014 and 2015, as well as winning in the team division 5 times making him the most decorated CrossFitter in history.
Rich Froning has a variety of workouts and there's no specific one that he does over and over again.
Here is a list of some of his favorite workouts:
300 double-unders, 25 muscle-ups, 50 pull-ups, 100 kettlebell swings, 25 burpees Over the 15 minutes Rich would try to get as many reps as possible.
He also does bike sprints for 10 sets with 60 seconds rest b/w sets. 300 meter repeats are also another workout he favors to do when cross training.
Which sports did Rich play before CrossFit?
Before becoming a professional Crossfit athlete, Rich Froning played baseball at Cookeville High School in Tennessee. As well as playing football and being active too.
Rich was introduced to CrossFit in 2007 by a football team mate/friend, and after 3 months of CrossFit training, he decided to see how good he could get at the sport.
He achieved 1st place overall in his first competition wich was the 2010 individual men's section of the Northern Kentucky Opening Regional , and hasn't looked back since!
"I don't think about myself as a professional athlete, but I love what I do and it makes me happy. For me, I think if you enjoy doing something, then it's not work." ~ Rich Froning
